11 February 2019

The Giuseppe Verdi Opera House, an incredible season

Let’s discover it together!

My career actually started right here! My first job was at the Giuseppe Verdi Theatre.

It was 1989, at the time I was just 11 years old, and my afternoons were packed with piano and ballet classes. My mother had always hoped I would pursue a career in the arts of music or ballet 😉

During one of these cold winter afternoons, as I was practicing at the ballet barre, a man from the theatre came to observe our training session; we had no idea who he was but at the end of the class the teacher told my mother that I had been selected for two ballet productions! “La Strada” and “8 e œ” were two Nino Rota shows directed by Gino Landi. I had the honour of being selected by the Verdi Theatre as a ballerina!

It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life! I even got to skip school while we were rehearsing (an added bonus) and I had the chance to perform with some really famous ballet dancers.

I remember learning the good luck rituals that are used in the show business (you have to repeat a bad word three times over), the Greek tar that I put under my shoes so I wouldn’t slip, the loud noise the stage flooring would make every time we jumped, the strength of the orchestra, the stage clothes, the dressmaker that made our outfits, the photographers, the stage lights, the makeup artists, the dressing rooms
 an incredible experience!

Sorry, it’s not an article about my past! I just made a preamble to explain my enthusiasm because I’ll now be following the activity of the Verdi Theatre until the end of the season.

I’ll regularly go back to that magical place where all the sounds seem to be padded, where the red velvet shines in between the golden decorations of the stage and the yellow lights make everything a little more fascinating
it’s really exiting!

I want to tell you about the theatre’s opera and ballet season, without going into complicated details or critic’s opinions. If some of you were to tell me you don’t like the theatre I wouldn’t believe you. I understand that the opera might sometimes seem difficult to follow, but if you give it a chance you’ll surely change your mind. To appreciate it you need to get to know it, start following it a step at a time.

This year the Verdi Theatre has a very interesting program, perfect for anyone who wants to approach the theatre slowly. The season is called “Always Verdi from 0 to 100 (and +)”. It includes shows of just one act (no longer than 1 hour and 10 minutes), which are perfect for anyone who wants to approach the theatre slowly.

It’s a little like wanting to learn how to run and starting out with a marathon. You wouldn’t appreciate it! But if you start slowly, training a little every day, you’ll reach the same goal without being shocked.

The same can be said for the theatre! “Always Verdi from 0 to 100 (and +)” is the perfect way to start! The season started in September and will end in May (you still have the chance to see two more shows):

  • The Enchanted Castle (from the 19th until the 26th of February)
  • Bastiano and Bastiana (from the 20th until the 29th of May)

But there’s and extra surprise: THE PRICE. The regular ticket is just 7 Euros, the reduced price for under 18s and for schools, is 5 Euros.

There’ll be a performance of each show in the morning, afternoon and evening, so if there are any teachers reading, you can get the necessary information by sending an e-mail to the following address promozione@teatroverdi-trieste.com or just call the following number 040 6722210.

These offers are not only for students or young spectators. Anyone can take advantage of these extraordinary prices!

Have a look at the following link for all the shows and dates: http://www.teatroverdi-trieste.com/it/stagioni/2018/sempre-verdi-da-0-a-100-e-1

If you are already a theatre lover, I’m sure you’ll appreciate the following opera plays:

  • Prince Igor from the 8th of February
  • Love Elisir from the 15th of March
  • Madama Butterfly from the 12th of April
  • Andrea ChĂ©nier from the 17th of May
  • Carmen from the 21st of June

If you want a look at the complete calendar have a look here at the website of the Verdi

Friday I was lucky enough to see the premiere of Prince Igor
it was wonderful.


All I have left to say is: LET’S SUPPORT THE ARTS AND OUR THEATRE!


May the performance begin!


Foto Lara Perentin


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