5 May 2015

Trieste: history, nature and agriristoro

My city is an endless discovery…

On the first of May I went on a field trip, away from the centre… one of the many fortunes I have is that my husband has a passion for history and when he has some time he shows us places where great events took place. Today we went for a walk on the Hermada Mountain, where First World War battles were fought. On our way back, while Michele continued telling us about with history, I noticed a flock of almost 200 sheep.

I decided to follow them to see which farm they belonged to and so I arrived in Ceroglie (Duino Aurisina). Their home is much more than a farm; there are animals of every kind: sheep, horses, donkeys, geese and chickens. There is also a horse farm. Everything is open to the public and they even organize educational tours for children.







Andrea and his wife run the farm. The Antonic family, before the Second World War, owned more than 2.000 sheep that would graze around Ceroglie, the Nanos Mountain and Isontino. They had to stop this activity because of post war borders, and the breeding farm developed with rabbits, to then returned to sheep.

After exploring all around, and also rather hungry by then, we discovered – luckily – and “agriristoro” (a restaurant/farm house) quite close to the Antonic farm.






All the products served are of their own production, from of first salt cheeses to cheeses with herbs from the Carso (savory and wild fennel), and even seasoned cheeses. Also the cold cuts (prosciutto crudo e cotto, salame, ossocollo and pacetta) are made by the family. It’s also possible to taste a few warm homemade organic dishes. All these “heavenly wonders” are accompanied by homemade bread…I’m hungry! All that’s left to do now is to surrender to these delicious temptations… Buon Appetito!













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