The more attentive among you already know this: I told you about this reality in February 2017. I know that not everybody has a great memory, so here is the link to that article.
On that occasion I introduced you to the Bloom Coffee School, an academy dedicated to coffee, which was born as a branch of the historical local company Imperator, that has been a coffee import-export for 60 years now. What a story!
However, I hadn’t revealed to you a little personal fact… the company was created by Gioachino Polojac, aka the grandfather of yours truly! Yeah, I told you that my family frequents the coffee industry. It then was my uncle Alessandro Polojaz to lead the company: today it’s the turn of the third generation. The current managers of the company are my cousins Alberto and Lorenzo 🙂
Alessandro Polojac
Alberto Polojac
Lorenzo Polojac
Alberto is creative and dynamic (the family genes don’t lie!), he thinks of one thing and then does a hundred different ones. After the inauguration of the Bloom Coffee School academy, in 2017 he decided to take a step forward. This is how he created Bloom Specialty Coffee, a place dedicated to “tailor” coffee, you could say, in other words, it is custom-made. Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything now.
This hotbed of black gold, lo and behold, is unique in Europe. Yes, you read it right: you can find similar activities only overseas or in China and Japan. We’re lucky and we have it right here in Trieste 🙂
They start off with a lot of green coffee beans (did you know that non-roasted coffee beans are actually green?), that arrive in the classic jute bags. Here they only work with Specialty coffees, which are not that common and aren’t exactly first-price. They’re very special coffees.
As I was saying, Iperator is a company that sells green (unroasted) coffee to roasting companies in Italy and other countries. Now you’ll understand how deciding to toast normally used coffees would have generated discontent among the 1500 roasting companies in Italy. But this isn’t the only thing that brought him in this direction. Alberto wanted to keep a high quality standard, as he is the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) coordinator for Italy.
Therefore, they have refined and excellent raw material. And it isn’t over! If you set foot in his laboratory, you’ll soon notice that he has many roasting machines…well, I’ve worked in the field for thirteen years and I’ve NEVER seen something even remotely similar to this. And i’ve said it all.
As I entered his world the only words that could come out of my mouth were “are you crazy?!?”.
I realize how telling you about some technical details of the 4 different roasting systems he has (that weigh from 250g to 7kg), specifying how one machine toasts by the aid of air, another one by the aid of gas and the third one by direct burning, would be confusing. Yeah, I’d say so. I’d bore you to death and you’ll risk hitting your head on the keyboard, taken by deep sleep. Let’s set the technicalities aside, then. Let’s say that coming here is like setting foot in a winery, where there are many little barrels: there will be stone vats, the finest wooden barrels, Gavner amphoras and so on. Each of them gives different results.
Did I put you in the picture, even a little bit? Please tell me I did.
This little, big world doesn’t lack anything, because Alberto’s next step was to create a small company selling point: you can see it through its windows on piazzetta Belvedere…which is where the company’s head quarters are. A place where the past, its tradition and the old coffee shop welcome the innovation of the Specialty coffees sold in mono-origin packages or in custom-made blends. Just wonderful.
No, don’t even think about it. Here you won’t only find beans to grind for moka or espresso machines. Times hasn’t stopped! You can also buy coffee for filters, many accessories like manual grinders (coffee is sold in beans and, as you know, the grinding must be done on the spot, so that the beans don’t lose their organoleptic properties), on the go mixes so that you don’t have to renounce to your coffee even on the K2 and all the Cafflano products (which are only sold in Italy by Bloom Specialty Coffee). This really is the Macca of coffee.
WARNING! I’d like to inform the dear customers that, if you’re reading this article from outside Trieste, or from another continent event, do not despair. They’ve recently opened the online shop at the following link. ->
I’d have a thousand more things to say but I can’t make your reading too heavy… I can only invite you to discover this gem made in Trieste. Make an appointment with Alberto and find out what your custom-made coffee turns out to be!
See you soon!