
Boutique Hotel Alhambra & Villa Augusta, a royal holiday in Lussinpiccolo

An unforgettable weekend in the bay of Cigale!
Close your eyes and imagine a hotel fit for a king. Done? Well whatever you had imagined, I’m sure it…
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Restaurant Pavus: at the castle of Lasko they serve botanics in a plate

A delicious tasting menu surrounded by a fairytale atmosphere
Have you ever had the chef delight you with a little lesson on wild herbs after your meal, maybe taking…
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Restaurant Diana, Steak House in Lussinpiccolo

In the bay of Cigale by the sea with the flavors of Croatia
You’d probably think that in Lussinpiccolo you can only eat fresh fish, but I discovered that here, as well as…
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Cres: 7 things you need to know

Wild nature, lonely beaches, relax and much more
I often wonder why when we travel we always go looking for the impossible, the difficult and the expensive, when…
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1883 Restaurant & Rooms in Cervignano, a convent from the 17th century gets a new look

A wonderful place managed by three thirty-year olds
As I often say the best things happen by chance. A few months ago I was in Milan for Identità…
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Trattlers Hof Chalet: a luxurious weekend in Carinthia

A place to cuddle you mind and heart surrounded by mountains
Today I’ll take you to Carinthia to discover a magical place that has recently opened in the heart of Bad…
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Easter in Carinthia

Each season has its beauties traditions… let’s discover them together!
I’ve just returned from an incredible Easter holiday in Carinthia and I have to admit that I was thinking about…
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La Taverna restaurant, a Michelin star that has been shining for 21 years

In Colloredo di Monte Albano (UD) spring has began in the Castle’s orangerie
Imagine yourself walking along a long road and glimpsing in the distance a castle with the Alps in the background.…
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