13 September 2015

Traditional Russian foulards: once they were just for few selected people, today for everyone

An accessory I love, flowers and colours on my shoulders

There are many different types, different fabrics and quality. Elegant but casual, it can turn your simple outfit into something special, unique. It is the best of accessories, versatile and always useful. I’m talking about scarves. All women, and maybe some men, have dozens in their wardrobe. There’s one that I believe should never be missing from your collection: one from Pavlovo Posad Shawl that for centuries has been making shawls in wool and silk: real masterpieces.


If in the past only few people could afford them, because of the cost of the particular design, today, fortunately things have changed. Each shawl is designed by an artist and, after studying this design it is then passes into production. This change in production process has changed the price range, making them more accessible (with the exchange rate of the rouble, some scarves are only 30.00-40.00 euros, a very good price).

My first “Pavlovo” was a present, directly from Bogorodsk in the province of Moscow; my dear friend Olga brought it back from her trip to Russia, as well as an excellent bottle of Vodka and a jar of caviar.

Once the vodka had been drunk and the caviar had been eaten with an omelette, all that was left was the shawl… and I adore it more and more, so much I asked Olga to buy one for me – with different colours and floral designs – every time she goes to Russia.


When I wear a “Pavlovo” I’m always covered in compliments for how refined and beautiful it is and questions about where I bought it. Well now you all know!

There are scarves for every preference, from the classic flower design to the ones in cashmere, from traditional one to more modern styles and “innovative”… Have a look; I’m sure that just like me, you’ll be a victim of its charm.











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