20 August 2015

A look around second-hand markets in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Some advice for who stayed in town

By know you know my passion for secondhand markets…but you might not yet know where to go and look, if you’re in Friuli Venezia Giulia, and don’t feel much like going to the beach. I suggest you go and discover new places, and maybe find a few bargains.

If the right season for these markets is spring and autumn, the best period for deals is definitely summer, when everyone is off lying in the sun, the stalls are not under assault and you have loads of time to bargain for a good price.

So here you can find a list of all the markets where you can go and browse around, after all it’s always nice to take a trip…

Have fun and especially, happy bargaining!


All the antique and second-hand markets of Friuli Venezia Giulia:

1st Saturday of the month


-> Codroipo (Ud)

Square Marketplace

In: Piazza Garibaldi

(Except in August)

Info: 0432-904574


-> Montereale Valcellina (Pn)

Second hand-market

In: Piazza Roma

(Except holidays , and from May to October there is also the “Mercatino della Terra” Earth Market with local products)

Info: Tel. 0427-798782


-> Rivignano (Ud)

Antique Market

In: Piazza IV Novembre

Info: Sig. Di Cillo 349-5476164


-> Maniago (Pn)

Antique Market

In: Piazza Italia

(Except January, February, March, November and December)


2nd Saturday of every month


-> Fagagna (Ud)

Fagagna in Soffitta – Fagagna in the attic

In: Piazza Unità d'Italia

Info: 0432-812111, Museo Cjase Cocel 0432-801878,

Vigili Urbani 0432-812751


-> Feletto Umberto (Ud)

"Open air attic"

In: Piazza

On these days: 13/01-10/02-10/03-12/05-09/06-14/07-11/08-08/09-13/10-10/11-08/12

Info: 0432-650500


-> Monfalcone (Go)

Second Hand market "Rocca di Monfalcone"

In: Piazza Unità d'Italia

Info: Sig. Paolo Mucchiut 347-4848064


->Palmanova (Ud)

Antique Hobby

In: Piazza Grande

Info: Sig. Di Cillo 349-5476164


3rd Saturday of the month



-> Azzano Decimo (Pn)

Antiques and hobbies

In: Piazza Libertà

Info: Sig. Di Cillo 349-5476164


 4th Saturday of the month


-> Mortegliano (Ud)

Not only woodworms

In: Piazza Verdi

Info: Tel. 0432-760079


1st Sunday of the month



Antiques market

In: Piazza Tommaseo

Info: Comune 0481-383312


-> Udine

Antiques market

In: Piazza Matteotti

(Except January, July, August)

Info: Sig. Barile 0432-504070


-> San Vito al Tagliamento (Pn)

Antique market

In: Piazza del Popolo

(Except August)

Info: Pro Loco San Vito 0434-875075 - prosanvito@adriacom.it


-> Cervignano del Friuli (Ud)

Second hand market

In: Piazza Indipendenza

Info: Pro Loco 338-2217804


-> Località: Aviano (Pn)

Antique time in Aviano

In: Piazza Duomo

Info: Tel. 0434-660750 - e-mail: proloco-aviano@libero.it


-> Gemona del Friuli (Ud)

Second hand book and flea market

In: Centro Storico - Via Bini

Info: Comune di Gemona 0432-973258 - Pro Loco Gemona 0432-981441


->On the first Sunday of the month, in Romans d’Isonzo (Go), in the square in front of the town gymnasium, in the centre of the town, they host the Lombard market. Collector’s items, second hand and antiques. For information contact 3386641282


2nd Sunday of the month


-> Muggia (Ts)

Art and talent Market

In: Piazza della Repubblica

Info: Sig.ra De Giovanni 349-6668351


-> Muggia (Ts)

Corte dei Miracoli – The Miracle Court

In: Piazza della Repubblica

Info: Efrem Melani 339-7495333


3rs Sunday of the month


-> Gradisca d'Isonzo (Go)

Mercatino Mitteleuropeo dell'Usato – Central European second hand market

In: Giardini di Piazza Unità d'Italia

Info: Paolo Mucchiut 347-4848064


-> Trieste

Antique and second hand Market

In: Antico Ghetto

(Double appointment in October: on the 2nd and the 3rd Sunday of the month)

Info: Sig. Righi 040-6758096


-> Trieste

Art and talent Market

In: Capo di Piazza e via del Teatro

Info: Sig.ra De Giovanni 349-6668351


4th Sunday of the month


-> Cividale del Friuli (Ud)

Il Baule del Diavolo – The Devil’s trunk

In: Piazza Duomo, Largo Boiani, Piazza Foro Cesare e Borgo di Pont

on the following days: 18/01-25/02-25/03-22/04-27/05-24/06-26/08-23/09-28/10-25/11-16/11 (except July)

Info: tel. 0432-732401


Last Sunday of the Month


-> Pordenone

Antiques Market, of handmade art and of Second hand items

In: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II

(Except July and August)

Info: Pro Pordenone 0434-20164


-> San Daniele del Friuli (Ud)

Antique Market

In: old town centre

Info: Vigili Urbani 0432-943080


















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