23 October 2017

A minibreak coming up? Miss Claire has the right idea!

From the truffle fair to the capital of food and wine - Ljubljana, here are a few tips for a relaxing time

Ph. Jerian

Sunday morning. I head straight for the first bakery I see and a few minutes later I’m walking along with a little bag filled with pink, cream and brown treats. I open it straight away, I just can’t wait! The scent of almonds reminds me of when I was a little girl. I love Trieste’s fave!

And if it’s already the season for fave... it’s almost time for the 2nd of November mini break J The fave were prepared and eaten on occasions connected to the festivity of All Saints, it was believed that the fave (real fave, which are fava beans) would connect the world of the living with the world of the dead; this because the bean has really long roots that descend far into the ground.

Don’t worry, I’m not intending to bore you much with these tales. I’ll not mention how quickly I finished the fava treats, and I’ll offer some suggestions on how to spend a few days away from the our busy weekly routines. Three days of rest can work miracles J

So, what to do? I’ve already given you a first suggestion: eat some fave according to tradition. But what next? Well, if you don’t have the chance to leave town don’t worry; there are quite a few nice things to do here too! You can have a look at the new exposition dedicated to Maria Theresa of Austria at the Magazzino delle Idee (I told you about it a few weeks back) o the Liberty exposition in the lovely location of the stables of the Castle of Miramare.


Also, until the 26th of November you have the chance of discovering Robert Capa’s life through his photographs; so why not find some time during these holidays to admire the exposition dedicated to him that has been set up at the Alinari Image Museum (Castle of San Giusto)? If you’d like a preview here’s the article I dedicated to the event https://www.missclaire.it/eventi/una-domenica-pomeriggio-al-museo/

The next place you could go – and we’re changing subject now – is the 16th edition of Sapori del Carso/Okusi Krasa, an event that this year is connected to the celebrations for the 300 years from the birth of the Austrian empress. A tour of the restaurants that take part in the event (here you can find all the information you need) will definitely be pleasant. And tasty, as we’re talking about food.

For the complete list of events in the region, here’s the link to the web site turismo.fvg.it where you can find out about almost anything. And if you don’t feel like staying in Trieste? Even better!

If you’re still thinking about food, in Umago, Cittanova, Verteneglio and Buie there still the sole event Dani Švoja, and over 16 restaurants and trattorie take part and until the 26th of November they all have a menu entirely dedicated to this delicious fish. I love it J and the best part is that all dishes have the perfect wine and olive oil to accompany it.



And next... you say Istria, I say truffle! From the 9th of September until the 19th of November, between Livade, Motovun and Buzet they’re hosting the truffle days J Can you almost smell it? If you can’t travel far for the 2nd of November, don’t worry! The weekend after, Saturday the 4th and Sunday the 5th, in Buzet there will be the traditional exposition dedicated to this delicacy. Tastings, show cooking and much more... I’m not sure I’ll be able to resist! Here are all the details: http://www.istra.hr/it/attrazioni-ed-attivita/eventi/15354-ch-0?&l_over=1



The next event is incredible. From the 2nd until the 30th of November the city of Ljubljana will be gastronomic capital for the festival November Gourmet Ljubljana (here’s the complete programme); events, meetings with local wine producers and excellent food in the restaurants that take part in the kermesse. If I were you, I’d have a look around. The event is the perfect occasion to take a walk in the centre to discover the special shops and boutiques of the city. Lubiana is really magical J



To have a look at the next events for Slovenia and Croatia (and other nice idea for the 2nd of November holiday) here are two websites to check up on:



I’d like to end the article talking about something a little different. The entire region is full of markets and fairs... and I love browsing along market stalls J On Wednesday the 1st of November in piazza Venerio, Udine there’s the market Dentro il Baule, a traditional appointment with second-hand and antique stalls. What do you think? It’s not the only one obviously, here’s the complete list.

Let’s end the article with a good coffee! From the 29th of October until the 5th of November there’s  Trieste Coffee Festival, an event entirely dedicated to this wonderful black gold, with the purpose of promoting a correct coffee culture. The exhibition this year will be held at the elegant Gopcevich palace.

And so we end the article with the traditional sweet fave. Because they’re perfect with coffee 🙂






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