18 February 2015


Hand made shoes that become designer pieces

Looking about the internet, I found the photo of these shoes… and I completely fell in love with them! So I decided to investigate and find out where they come from, and I discovered their story, that I’d like to share with you.


Iva Ljubinkovic is a young architect from Belgrade (Serbia). In 2007 she started working on furniture and interior design.

Thanks to her work with her sister Ana Ljubinkovic, a fashion designer since 2004, she creates her own label ABO, designing her first collection of shoes.

Starting with the classic and timeless Oxford model, that Iva has always loved, she completely renovates their look, making them look much more charming for the choice and combination of colours that make them more fashionable.


All models are hand-made and 100% leather.
I got in touch with Iva to know where you can buy these wonderful shoes, and for the moment they are available at her boutique in Belgrade, or ordering them on Facebook or directly by email (ljubinkoviciva@gmail.com).


She is planning on opening an on-line shop, in order to widen her market reach and allowing her shoes to be worn by all women around Europe. Today the price of a pair of shoes is definitely accessible, considering they are hand-made, and is about 120 euros each pair. Will it increase? Best take advantage of it now!


If you are passing through Belgrade, stop at the Ljubinkovic sister’s designer boutique, placed in the nicest part of the Serbian capital: Kosancicev venac in Kneza Sime Markovica 10.
And good luck to ABO, that it may attract many new people as it did with me!





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