2 June 2016

Antonia Klugmann and Devetak: an exquisite dinner accompanied by Vitovska

An early tasting as we look forward to "Mare and Vitovska".

It’s almost time for the annual event "Mare and Vitovska” that will be hosted at the Castle of Duino on the 18th of June.

This lovely event is organized by the Association of Winemakers of the Karst, and it’s the perfect opportunity to enjoy the enchanted atmosphere of the Duino Castle, taste some excellent fish finger food and sip a glass or two of Vitovska, a local wine of the Karst.

The next edition will have 37 Vitovska producers, 25 restaurant owners and 13 exhibitors, for a total of 75 stations, all ready to amaze you.


You will be able to walk around the park of the castle and in its main square, tasting all the most delicious products of the local territory from the different stalls.

Before the opening of the fair there are a few interesting events: the presentation of Mare & Vitovska at the AIS (Italian Sommelier Association) of Milan on the 9th of June and the wine tasting of the AIS of Trieste at the NH Hotel on the 14th of June, as well as the dinner that I’m about to tell you all about.

The chosen location for the wine tasting is the Lokanda da Devetak, with journalists, producers, wine experts and Miss Claire: as always passionate about the territory and good wine and food.






Accompanied by the Vitovska of Zahar, Gabi Wine, Kocjancic, Zidaric, Skerlj, Grgic, Kosuta, Bajta, Skerk and Castello di Rubbia, I feel the minerals from this wine muffle my thoughts, even though Vitovska isn’t a very strong wine.


Mini vasetto primaverile

Small spring jar

The scents that you smell are yellow fruits, like pear and peach, and then the famous scent of flint, that you also find in the taste (also called mouth scent).

A wine I love because it’s fresh and light, easy to drink, so also very dangerous for me…

As I sip the excellent wine I try some finger food, that Antonia Klugmann (l'Argine a Vencò) and Devetak have lovingly prepared: a series of delicious discoveries!

Gelato all'olio extra vergine d'oliva del Carso con il luštrik e olivelle nere

Extra virgin olive oil ice-cream from the Karst served with luštrik and small black olives

sarda in savor di rapa e fagioli

Sarda in savor (sardines marinated in a particular way, typical of the local area)

Polentina nera e brodo di cappero

Black polenta with caper stew

After chatting for ages with all the producers, the Chefs and friends, its time to sit down and start this lovely dinner!



Flan di peperoni con confettura di cipolla rossa di Devetak Sara e cioccolato bianco

Sweet pepper flan with red onion chutney made by Devetak Sara and white chocolate

Seppie limone camomilla e prezzemolo

Squids lemon camomile and parsley

passatina alle erbe aromatiche con raviolini d'erba amara (balsamita) e salsina di Vitovska

Herb stew with ravioli filled with sour herbs and Vitovska sauce

It almost feels like a wedding banquet rather that the preface of an event. I must say that if Mare and Vitovska is anything like this event, I’ll be first in line on the 17th of June!

And then the main course is served, each dish is better than the other:

Gnocchetti di semola al cacao e ragù di agnello

Sesame dumplings with cocoa and lamb ragu

coniglio nel lardo e verdure agrodolci

Rabbit cooked in lard and sweet-sour vegetables

And of course there had to be a dessert called like the queen of the Karst: "Sweet Vitovska"!


An unforgettable evening! I can’t say much more except remind you of the event on the 17th and 18th of June!

Ph. Andrea Zangrando 



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