17 April 2016

Maybee Style in Trieste - Lovely Matching Outfits

A line of matching clothes for all the family

What a pleasant surprise!

I’m connected to Internet 24/7, and I stumbled on some very interesting pictures from a few private Facebook profiles.

I’m already thinking about a custom made photo service for the family in the pictures, when one of my “informers” tells me what’s really going on: a new h project has been launched for hand made clothes in Trieste!


I really need to know more and obviously tell you all about it!

Maybee was born thanks to the creativity of two young women… almost as a game. There’s Paola, from Trieste, with her passion for drawing. She is the creative part and concentrates mostly on the development of the product. Then there’s Serena, born in Livorno but living in Trieste, and she’s the operations manager, a strong point of hers thanks to her experience in web consulting.


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This is how an all female project takes off: with the help of a friend whose passion is photography and a PR that just moved here from Milan, the project that was thought of at the end of summer 2015, finally becomes reality on the 18th of April, opening up on the web for enthusiast like me!

A small preview of what Maybee’s selection will be … three original clothing lines for the spring/summer 2016 are available online:

  • FAMILY SET – How to dress all the family: matching sets for mum/daughter and father/son

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  • GIRL & DOLL – Clothes for little girls to match their doll’s clothes

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  • MOM & GIRL – Mum and daughter dress the same

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Lots of matching outfits for all the family, like the same tee shirt for father and son, or the same dress for mother and daughter also coordinated with her doll. Lots of patterns, colours and styles to mix and match original and fun outfits.

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I think it’s an adorably cute and creative idea … I won’t deny that sometimes I’ve tried to dress my son in clothes to match his father’s, so I think this idea is really great.

I’m just sorry about one thing: I’m not young enough to show off a matching outfit with Rebecca, my beloved childhood doll … 🙂

Let’s cross our fingers for this new and fun collection: good luck Maybee!

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