24 September 2015

TiaHandMade: super colourful sandals from Mykonos

Tia’s story from her degree in Economics to hand made

I discovered TiaHandMade, a small and rather special Greek designer, thanks to one of my sister’s gifts. On her way back from one of her trips, she brought a wonderful pair of leather sandals back for me, all decorated by hand with bows, buttons and knitted cherries. They are unique and wonderful pieces all made by Tia Makra, class of ’76, from Mykonos.


Since her childhood Tia showed great creativeness and artistic skill. She started with drawings and decorations for home made biscuits and then started creating jewellery and sandals.

Initially she started creating only for herself, and then she started receiving the first request from friends and then friends of friends. And so Tia quickly understood that her degree in Economics could be quite useful to develop a business plan capable of supporting her creations.

And that was that! In 2012 she opened a shop in Mykonos where you can find 1500 pairs of sandals (Tia works on them during the winter season) of different shapes and sizes, for big or small feet. They are extremely comfortable shoes in rubber and the insoles in confortable leather.

But in Tia’s shop you can find other things too, like earrings, necklaces, bracelets and much more. All colourful, creative and handmade.






Starting next November Tia will finally open an online store, but for the moment if you want to follow her you can find her on Facebook. I know, the season for sandals is almost over…but they could be perfect for a holiday in some warm exotic country, say maybe in December?











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